Windows in a curved wall?

by Ronda

I have made rounded towers on my gingerbread houses several times, and I am always stymied by the windows. Does anyone have a good method for putting windows into a curved wall? I usually just oven-melt candies in the window openings, but obviously that doesn't work on a curve, especially if there are windows on all sides!

Once I tried gelatin sheets, but had a horrible time keeping them in place. I don't know if it was just a bad batch of icing, or if the gelatin just won't hold a curve, but they fell off more than once.

I haven't tried poured candy, but it has almost the same issues as oven-melting, especially because the gingerbread doesn't fit very tightly against the pipe I used as a mold. I'm afraid it will all just flow behind the wall.

So frustrated with this! Anyone have a tip?

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Dec 08, 2020
I managed a work-around
by: Ronda

I ended up using the same pipe I molded the tower over to mold some candy windows. I lined the inside with a silicon sheet, then put crushed candy on it and melted it, then let it cool. I broke the resulting long puddle into lengths that fit the windows, and they were curved just right to be glued to the inside. It isn't quite as tidy as melting the candy right into the window frame, but it worked!

Dec 06, 2020
Leaf gelatin
by: Kelly

I would try leaf gelatin again if I were you. Maybe you could store the leaves in a curved manner for a few days before you install them in your tower? Maybe lay them over a curved container or can and then use a towel or something to hold/weigh it down? I would bet they'll hold a curve after that, but I'm just guessing.

Please let us know what you end up doing and how it worked!

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