Will buttercream icing make gingerbread house soggy?

by Natalie
(South Africa)

I'm trying a bit of a combination cake for my son's birthday but can't find it done anywhere before so hoping it's not a ridiculously bad idea!

Plan is to make a house "core" from normal spongecake, cover with buttercream icing and stick gingerbread walls and roof on top of that... So basically it looks like a gingerbread house but has cake inside!

I'll still use royal frosting to build the house but on the inside it'll be stuck to buttercream. Has anyone done this and did it work? Or will the buttercream make the gingerbread too soggy to stand?

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Jul 27, 2015
It worked!
by: Natalie

Thanks all! I did it and it worked well! The buttercream actually held the gingerbread so well that the royal icing on the seams was really for decoration. Only got around to putting the house up two days before the party though so can't say it stood the test of time...

Jul 08, 2015
Should work
by: Ami Hazell

Hello. I think it will work b/c as a family we would build our g-bread house with regular buttercream and it stood for a few weeks until we ate it after the New Year. We had to hold the gingerbread in place initially for a minute or so to make sure it stays. Don't be skimpy with the butter cream. It should be fine.
Best of gingerbread to you!
Ami Hazell

Jul 08, 2015
by: Anonymous

For a gingerbread house, I think it would. I would stick to royal icing.

Jul 08, 2015
I wish I knew the answer!
by: Kelly

I've never tried anything like that but maybe someone else in our community has??

My gut feel is that it will work as long as you don't have the gingerbread and buttercream touching for too long. So, I'd suggest building them separately and then putting them together the day of the party.

Has anyone else out there ever tried this?

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