Where to buy a pre-made and decorated gingerbread house?

by Lucy

We are a London based company and want to give a made and decorated gingerbread house as a gift to our customers (approx 10-too many to make ourselves!) And were wondering if we can purchase/ order them anywhere. Budget approx £20 per house.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Comments for Where to buy a pre-made and decorated gingerbread house?

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Oct 05, 2013
by: Anonymous

Hi we are in the UK and we sell premade houses and we are based in North Devon. They retail at £12.95 each. Hope this helps a little.
Our company is Jakes Bakes in South Molton.

Jan 08, 2013
I make gingerbread houses
by: Nora Harris

Hi. I have a business that makes and ships gingerbread houses, churches, trains, cookies and more.

My smallest house is $39.95, plus shipping, but I do also make really exquisite miniature houses, exactly like the big ones, but only 2.5 by 2 inches -- small, but totally decorated. And each tiny house sits on a gingerbread snowflake as a base. Those are 14.95, plus shipping. I know it's too late for you for this year, but I am having a website created for my business (I'm just getting off the ground), and I will be sure to come back here to share with you the web address so you can see pictures of my houses and perhaps give me a jingle for next Christmas.

Note from Editor: I'll contact this provider and see if we can offer her houses on this site next year.

Nov 28, 2012
Pre-assembled & Decorated Gingerbread Houses
by: Kelly

I don't think I've seen decorated gingerbread houses in years! Pre-assembled are relatively easy to find this time of year (Costco, Walmart, Target, Bed Bath & Beyond,... all have them here in the U.S.). It could be fun for you to decorate 10 houses OR maybe your customers would enjoy decorating them themselves?

Good luck and make sure to tell us if/where you find them!

Nov 28, 2012
Whole Foods
by: Chef Mason

I'm a pastry chef at the Whole Foods in Oregon USA and our buyer just purchased premade gingerbread houses.

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