When to eat gingerbread house

When do you eat a gingerbread house

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Nov 03, 2016
Eating the house
by: Ginny K

When my children were little, they longed to eat the gingerbread house after it had been sitting out as a decoration for over a month collecting dust, dog hair and maybe even spiders. But they were adamant. Its deliciousness was just too good to pass up.

To allow them the pleasure of consuming the treat they could only look out for a month, I found a workable solution: I would take the house outside along with a hair blow dryer. Using the dryer, I would blow off any offending, inedible particles giving them a clean house to consume.

Further, we would invite friends to join us whose children we knew would love to dig into all that gingerbread and candy. We called it a house-wrecking party, placing the house in the middle of the table with the kids gathered around. One or two older children would be given clean hammers with instructions to GENTLY break apart the house. Once in pieces, the hammers were laid down and THEN all the kids could dig in to their heart's content. I always had milk and glasses near by for some healthy beverage.

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