soft gingerbread humid climate


this was my first time making a gingerbread house and I used the white house chef's gingerbread house recipe. I baked them 6 days ago and they aren't hardening. I have seen that you're supposed to re-bake them if they won't harden, but I burnt one piece and re-baking it doesn't seem like a permanent solution since it's been raining and making it really humid. what do I do?????

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Dec 20, 2020
Soft gingerbread
by: Ami Hazell

Hi. In the caseyou are facing,the best solution would be, in my opinion, would be to set your oven on low..maybe 200 or 225F. degrees and let the house pieces stay in the oven for at least about 3/4 hour to begin. Let them cool after a half hr. and if they are still soft, repeat. Let them cool completely eCh time before you test them. This basically dehydrated the pieces. For small pieces, I actually place them in my dehydrator. The bigger pieces won't fit into the dehydrator.Hope this has!

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