Royal Icing with no Egg

I would love to make a gingerbread house this year but my son is allergic to egg. Is there some other alternative to eggs for the royal icing?

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Nov 17, 2010
Royal Icing without Eggs
by: Kelly

Great Question!!

Well, I thought this was an easy answer since I have recipes that don't list eggs on our icing page:

However, Albumen powder is basically dried egg albumen and another common substitute, Meringue powder, is dried egg whites.

From what I've read (and I'm sure you already know this), most children who are allergic to eggs are allergic to the protein that's in the egg whites, but some react to the protein in the yolk.

I did find one recommended substitute for eggs in baked goods that you can try:

* Use 1½ tablespoons (22.2 milliliters) oil and 1 teaspoon (5 milliliters) of baking powder for each egg.

We'd LOVE to hear how this works for you (and I'm sure future readers with egg allergies would love to hear as well).

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