Melting windows

by Anastasia

I use crushed candy to make the windows on my gingerbread, but after a couple of days they tend to melt and finally the collapse totally. I used all kinds of hard candy with the same results (I am Greek and we don't have things like lifesavers or butterscotch here) Any ideas on how to keep my windows from melting and still be edible?

Comments for Melting windows

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Nov 26, 2013
I do sell leaf gelatin on this web site
by: Kelly

It's the only thing I'm selling this year, other than gingerbread house templates. If you'd like to take a look, here's the page:

All the best,

Nov 26, 2013
windows for gingerbread houses
by: Anonymous

Use Isomalt, its the best for this, you need to buy it online

Dec 19, 2011
by: Gerd, NZ

I learned some years ago a brilliant way to do windows: gelatin sheets, just cut them to size and glue them on the inside with the icing!

Sep 14, 2011
by: Carolyn

I bake my pieces and after they are baked I put candy in a plastic bag and beat it till it is in pieces. Then I put the candy in a pyrex measuring cup with a spout and then put it in the microwave and carefully melt it. (It will burn quickly if you do not watch it. Then I pour it in the windows. Note the gingerbread pieces must be on foil or it will stick to whatever is behind it. There may be some drops or strings but these can sometime be brushed off after it is cooled. Use a knife or spoon to stop it if you need to. I don't do a lot of the candy at one time. I do it in small batches.

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