MayPole cake

by Vicky Ppollen

Offered to make my friend's daughter's 6th birthday cake and this was the end product.

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May 25, 2010
Absolutely Perfect!
by: Meghan

My mom is turning 80 and I wanted a special cake to celebrate her past (as opposed to mocking her age). When she was 17 years old (1947), Mom was elected as the Maid of Honor for the May Day Celebration at Kingston High School in New York. I love to gaze at the old photos of her on May Day exquisitely draped in layers of Romanesque, gauzy white linen, accentuated by her long, luxurious raven hair. She carried dozens upon dozens of roses and the entire ceremonial stage looked like something out of a Midsummer Night's Dream, bursting with foliage and flowers and the promise of youth. And of course, the Maypole was ever present as the symbol of hope and new life. I came up with the idea of a "Maypole Birthday Cake" but needed some decorating ideas, so I googled it, and this is what appeared! It took my breath away. What a lovely, poignant cake. I especially loved how the ribbons extended out to the cupcakes and decorative exchange of flowers and ribbons/bows. Thank you for sharing this wonderful creation! My Mom has Alzheimer's disease now and her 80th birthday may very well turn out to be sorrowful, depending on her state that day. But I know if she gets a Maypole Cake, the sheer delight and remembrance, if for even a brief moment, will bring her life full circle.

Oct 14, 2008
by: Veronica Arthur

Very, very sweet! I adore it!
Veronica Arthur

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