Looking for a globe outline

by Kelly

Gingerbread snow globe

Gingerbread snow globe


Here is a picture from the 2007 National Gingerbread House Festival. I am looking for the plastic piece that forms the outline for the snowglobe. If anyone knows where I can get something like this please let me know here.


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Oct 21, 2010
Need Help
by: Jessie

I am currently attending culinary school to become a pastry chef my final is soon approaching and i want to do a winter wonderland theme making a snowglobe with a gingerbread house in the inside of the globe becuase my centerpiece has to be at least 24" tall how tall was this centerpiece? and can you give me any tips that will be helpful to me with making this centerpiece.

Sep 29, 2008
Forming the snow globe
by: Donna

The pieces are made of pastillage. They were quickly rolled out, cut to shape, then laid over a ball to dry. Pastillage dries fast so work quickly.

I'm so glad you realized the design was a snow globe. Most people (mainly adults) thought it was a crown.

Sep 13, 2008
Snow Globe
by: Annie

The arches were made from either pastiage or gum paste. The competition only allows edible materials in its gingerbread pieces. The gum paste will dry hard quite quickly (4-5 hours) while the pastiage could take up to 2 days to harden. Hope this helps.

Sep 13, 2008
Gingerbread snow globe
by: Kelly

I think I can answer your question (but please don't be offended if I misunderstood it.) The white pieces that make up the globe of the snow globe appear to be made of pastillage, gum paste or another form of sugar craft to me, not plastic.

The baker/artist likely made pastillage, rolled it out, cut it, and then draped it over something circular (maybe something like a beach ball?) to dry.

It's a beautiful creation, isn't it?

If anyone knows more about this particular gingerbread snow globe, please let us all know.

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