Gingerbread pieces are soft but already decorated. Is there any hope?

by Leslie
(Mooresville, NC)

We baked our house pieces and they were nice and hard- it rained one day and now they are all soft. The problem is we’ve already decorated almost all the different pieces ! Is there any hope to save them or are we going to have to start all over??

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Nov 16, 2021
Silica gel
by: Ami Hazell

I was thinking about your dilemma and thought about your purchasing some silica gel( a drying out agent that they put in your shoe boxes and pill containers.. also used for drying out flowers. You could probably pick some up at Michael's craft store, and place your pieces with some of the silica gel catalogs in zip lock bags and wait a few days? It may work. That's the only solution that will not damage your decorated pieces. ..any kind of heat.. a dehumidifier may melt your icing decorations... that's what I would try... let us know if that helps. I'm so sorry that has occurred. Definitely feeling for you. Ami

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