Gingerbread House Pictures
Here are even more gingerbread house pictures to inspire you. Send us your own photos and we'll continue to grow the best collection of gingerbread photos and ideas on all the web!
These first few are pictures are from a gingerbread house competition held yearly in Austin, TX by the Texas Culinary Academy. Most of the houses were made by the students at the Academy, but anyone can bring a house in to compete.
"Around the World"
Provided by "Impunity Jainne" on

"The Witch's House"
Provided by "Impunity Jainne" on

"Gingerbread Townhouses"
Provided by "Impunity Jainne" on

"Pirate Ship "
Provided by "Impunity Jainne" on

"Gingerbread Alamo "
Provided by "Impunity Jainne" on

Check out this cool Snow globe gingerbread house - Under Glass
Provided by "TraSEAlee" on
Here's the Pond up close
Provided by "TraSEAlee" on

Close up of the inside of this Gingerbread House
Provided by "TraSEAlee" on

**These and all other photos
and content on this site may not be copied, altered, or used on other sites except with express written consent.
Feel free to link to this page though. **
More Gingerbread House Photo Pages
Check out these other photo-filled pages:
Page 1 - Gingerbread house photos
Page 2 - More Gingerbread house photos
Page 3 - Some more intricate decorating ideas
Page 4 - Even more Gingerbread House Pictures
Page 5 - Photos from Gingerbread Contests
Have a Gingerbread House Photo to Share? Click here to add a page to this site with your OWN photo!
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