Gingerbread Gift Etiquette

by Sandy S.
(Nashville, TN)

I received a gingerbread house as a gift. Is it rude to eat it? It's so beautiful--the kids want to eat, and trust me, I do too, but I feel guilty after someone put so much hard work into it. What's the etiquette?? Thank you!

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Dec 24, 2010
by: Anonymous

You already have a comment that I agree with. When I make a gingerbread house (and I do two each year for my grandchildren to take to their school party) it is my intent that they lay into the house and eat away - thats the big fun in having one. Carolyn

Dec 23, 2010
Go Ahead!
by: Ann

Eat it and let the kids enjoy eating it too. Trust me, I make gingerbread houses and it would hurt my feelings if you didn't. They don't last forever.

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