gingerbread for houses getting too soft

by Karen

why is my gingerbread for houses getting soft? I made an alternative honey and coconut oil GB using very little leavening. I baked, cut, prepped, and set the pieces aside for 5 days on a cookie sheet lightly covered with a sheet of parchment paper to keep dust off. I went to begin decorating them today 10/28/19 and the pieces are a soft cookie texture. How might I fix this problem. The houses will not hold up in this condition. Any help will be most appreciated. Thank you.

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Oct 31, 2019
Soft Gingerbread
by: Anonymous

Hello. My suggestion would be to bake them again in a low temperature oven to dry them out. I would start at 250 or 275 F. for about 40 min. Remember, when it cools it hardens. Let it cool and repeat if needed. It is probably the humidity in the air. When they are 100 % cool, place them in an airtight container or wrap them well in saran wrap. better yet, do both. I don't know where you live, but I live on a very humid area and I don't use leavening at all. It's still far as competetions go. Its called Humidity Proof Gingerbread.

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