decorating the roof

I was wondering what you think about decorating the roof before it is attached to the house. My idea is to ice the roof piece's then spread on tiny little candy piece's. I'm thinking it would be easier to spread the candy on to completely fill the roof pieces this way. Please let me know if you think this is a good idea or if for some reason it won't work. Thank you.

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Dec 21, 2009
Decorating before assembly
by: Esprit64

You can certainly decorate pieces before assembly. However, the only caution I would mention--is allowing for clearance. In other words, pay special attention to where each piece glues together. Decorating adds thickness--and thickness may become an issue after-the-fact--it may cause you to have a join line that's hard to make because of the angle, you may find that your decorating cracks at its edges during assembly, etc. Therefore, before assembly, walk yourself through it first, note problems that may occur, then proceed to decorate.

Dec 12, 2009
You can definitely decorate before assembling
by: Kelly

Hope this answer isn't too late for you! Yes, you can decorate roof pieces (and even walls) before assembling a gingerbread house. It's usually much easier that way, especially with intricate decorations.

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