Cutting Gingerbread after it's hardened

by smilinkyn

I have baked my gingerbread, and it's definitely sturdy, but now, my team I'm working with has decided to change the dimensions, and now I need to recut my gingerbread. HELP! How do I do this without damaging the gingerbread and undoing all the baking I've done so far? I need help quickly!

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Nov 25, 2014
Another method for softening gingerbread
by: Kelly

I soften pre-baked gingerbread (typically before I eat it) by wrapping in a damp paper towel and microwaving for a few seconds. This might be possible with larger pre-baked gingerbread pieces as well.

Good luck and let us know what you try and how it turns out!

Nov 24, 2014
Cutting gingerbread
by: Cathy

Try reheating the pieces in the oven. This may soften them enough to cut while still warm.

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