clock tower

by Sherri Davis
(Panama City. Fl )

Clock Tower Pattern

Clock Tower Pattern

This is only the second time I've attempted something this big. There were a lot of pieces to put together, but it went up fairly quickly.

I used candy melts instead of royal icing to hold everything together and it worked just fine. I didn't cut out the bottom portion but iced it black for doors. I was afraid it wouldn't hold the weight of the upper tower. I used an impression mat, but it wasn't a very good one. Most of the design cooked out. It was suppose to look like stones. The doorway and clocks are trimmed in chocolate covered sunflower seeds. I decorated it all before putting it together. It was challenging to do, but a lot of fun. Took me about 15 hours total working off and on and it stands 2ft. 4in. tall.

Thanks to Kelly for the template.

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Nov 24, 2009
So Tall!
by: Staurt

Awesome work!

2feet is SO TALL, really great stuff.


Oct 27, 2008
Amazing Clock Tower!
by: Kelly

Sherri, that's just beautiful! I LOVE the Halloween touches. I really like your vines crawling up the tower and the chocolate covered sunflower seeds are really cute!

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