Cajun Night Before Christmas House

by Carolyn Bowman
(Prairieville, Louisiana 70769)

Santa in his skiff pulled by Alligator

Santa in his skiff pulled by Alligator

I've been making gingerbread houses since the 60's for my sons and now my grand children. Each year I try something different or I revisit old ones. They have grown more complicated over the years. I have built barns, school houses with outside slides and swings, Castles with turrets, Merry-go-rounds that actually go around with reindeer for horses, candy stores with bicycles outside. Last year I build a replica of Houmas House (an old southern mansion with white columns and oak trees with moss and a widows walk. Because its Louisiana I send my version of the a Cajun House Night before Christmas. Hope you enjoy. Carolyn Bowman

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Nov 21, 2017
Thanks for the LOVE!
by: Anonymous

Carolyn we'd love to send you a little gift as a thank you for creating this charming rendition of our book! Please contact us at

Nov 28, 2010
To a wonderful person all around....
by: Sandra Middleton

Carolyn, your talents are unlimited. You wow'd my son with your desserts! And your paintings are up there also. Thanks for sharing!

Nov 24, 2010
by: Clara

Way to go cousin!! Cajun House is one-of-a-kind. You are a true artist. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Nov 23, 2010
Christmas on the bayou---nothing like it.
by: Sylvia Rochester

Your talents amaze me. What a terrific job. I know you grandchildren must love visiting you. Have a Merry Christmas.

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